Wilkinsburg Athletic Association
Building Strong Minds and Bodies

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Wilkinsburg Athletic Association's mission is to build strong minds and bodies of our youth in a positive and constructive environment.



WAA is a grassroots community organization that has been in existence for over 50 years. We work with area youth ages 5 to 14 years old in our football and cheerleading program. Working with the children, we emphasize the fact that nothing comes without hard work and sacrifice. We stress that even in losing there is a lesson to be learned and that winners are created by preparation. These lessons can be carried with them throughout life. Children who participate in our program learn teamwork, sportsmanship, responsibility and positive conflict resolution. These characteristics teach them how to be respectable and productive citizens in the community.

WAA has no paid staff. Officers, board members, coaching staff and all others are involved on a voluntary basis. WAA has over 40 football and cheerleading coaches who donate between 20 and 30 hours weekly to our children. It is only through this type of dedication that we are able to maintain the level of success we have become accustomed to experiencing year after year.



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Practice Field: Turner Field, Laketon Road, Wilkinsburg

Clubhouse: 2020 Laketon Road (across the street from Turner Field)

Game Field: Graham Field, Penn Avenue, Wilkinsburg